Linear and nonlinear Granger causality tests are used to examine the dynamic causal relationship between daily stock returns and trading volume of Shanghai and Shenzhen A and B shares. Since the nonlinear structure of series can result in testing merely spurious causality, we focus on examining the linear and nonlinear causality between APGARCH filtered returns and trading volume. We find evidence of bi-directional linear causality between stock returns and trading volume of Shanghai A and B, and Shenzhen A shares, but only tmidirectional linear causality from returns to trading volume in the case of Shenzhen B share. Another finding is that in the case of Shanghai A share, there exists only unidirectional nonlinear causality from trading volume to returns, and the nonlinear causality between stock returns and trading volume of Shenzhen B share is bi-directional. Results obtained suggest the existence of dynamic causal relationship between stock returns and trading volume of Shanghai and Shenzhen A and B shares.