Using Shanghai Stock Exchange as an example, the paper investigates the asymmetric reactions of stock market returns and volatility to "good" and "bad" news during bull and bear phases. We find that there exist notable differences in the mean-reverting patterns between bull and bear phases, and the time-varying rational expectation hypothesis does not hold. During bull phases ,negative returns on average revert more quickly ,with a greater reverting magnitude,to positive returns. Negative returns tend to revert immediately,while positive returns display some sort of persistence. Whereas ,during bear phases ,both positive and negative returns tend to revert immediately, and positive returns on average revert more quickly ,with a greater reverting magnitude,to negative returns. In addition ,the market overreacts to "bad" news during both bull and bear phases. During bull phases, the market underreacts to "good" news,and the market overreacts more notably to "good" news than to "bad" news during bear phases.