For two-linkflexible manipulators in the vertical plane, the deadweight of arms and the weight of end loads are comprehensively considered, the dynamics model is established based on the lagrange equations and assumed modes method. And based on the derivative of momentum, residual momentum operatoris designed, and the influence of flexibility deformation on the rotational angle in the calculation of residual momentum is taken into account. Using flexible hinges, the simulation platform is set up in Matlab/Simulink. Aiming at simulation of manipulators swing under the drives are trouble- free, drives have a single fault and drives have multiple faults, then give the change curves of corresponding residual momentum respectively. The results show that the residual momentum operator model established could be applied to rigid arms and flexible arms. When drives are trouble-free, the residual momentum is approximate to 0. When drives have faults, the size and trend of residual momentum reflect the size and trend of input torque when there is no fault approximately. The driver fault mostly affects the link directly driven by the driver with fault.