Two latin squares of order ν, L = (Iij) and M = (mij) are called to be r-orthogonal if their superposition produces exactly r distinct ordered pairs, that is|{(lij,mij):1≤i,j≤ν}|=r,which is denoted by r-MOLS(ν). It has been proνed that there does not exist an r-MOLS(ν) for re {ν + 1,ν2 - 1}. If M is the (3,2,1)-conjugate of L, then L is called to be (3,2,1)-conjugate r-orthogonal, as denoted by (3,2,1)-r-COLS(ν). In this paper, the nonexistence of (3,2,1)-r-COLS(ν) for re {ν+2,ν+3,ν+5} is proved.