领域适应学习是一种新颖的解决先验信息缺少的模式分类问题的有效方法,最大化地缩小领域间样本分布差是领域适应学习成功的关键因素之一,而仅考虑领域间分布均值差最小化,使得在具体领域适应学习问题上存在一定的局限性.对此,在某个再生核Hilbert空间,在充分考虑领域间分布的均值差和散度差最小化的基础上,基于结构风险最小化模型,提出一种领域适应核支持向量学习机(Kernel support vector machine for domain adaptation,DAKSVM)及其最小平方范式,人造和实际数据集实验结果显示,所提方法具有优化或可比较的模式分类性能。
Domain adaptation learning is a novel effective technique to address pattern classification,in which the prior information for training a learning model is unavailable or insuficient.To minimize the distribution discrepancy between the source domain and target domain is one of the key factors.However,domain adaptation learning may not work well when only considering to minimize the distribution mean discrepancy between source domain and target domain.In the paper,we design a novel domain adaptation learning method based on structure risk minimization model,called DAKSVM(kernel support vector machine for domain adaptation) with respect to support vector machine(SVM) and least-square DAKSVM(LSDAKSVM) with respect to least-square SVM(LS-SVM),respectively to effectively minimize both the distribution mean discrepancy and the distribution scatter discrepancy between source domain and target domain in some reproduced kernel Hilbert space,which is then used to improve the classification performance.Experimental results on artificial and real world problems show the superior or comparable effectiveness of the proposed approach compared to related approaches.