Four cruises were carried out in the Yangtze River Estuary and its adjacent area in February, May, August and November 2004. 8 variables including NO3^-、NH4^+、PO4^3-, TN, TP, COD, Chl-a and cell abundance of phytoplankton were analyzed with exploratory data analysis. Three principal components (PCs) are extracted with principal component analysis: N nutrients and COD for PC1, Chl-a and cell abundance for PC2 and P nutrients for PC3. A west-east decreasing gradient in the PC1 indicates N nutrients and organic pollution originate from Yangtze River. Influenced by anthropogenic sewage, PC1 near Wusongkou, Shidongkou and Bailonggang outlets is higher than other stations. N nutrients and organic pollution in stations of inner gate in winter are most serious. PC1, PC2, PC3 in spring and summer are higher so eutrophication level in spring and summer is more serious than other seasons. A good linear relationship between PC1 and salinity exists especially in autumn and winter so N nutrients and organic pollution are predicted to a good extend on the basis of a linear model in which salinity is the independent variable. NO3^- , TN, TP and phytoplankton cell abundance are dominating factors in assessing the variation of eutrophication in the Yangtze Estuary and its adjacent area.