Sustainable development has been a hot topic in the international community for some years.Sustainable investment in tourism now plays an important role in economic growth; increasingemployment and helping in the adjustment of the economic structure in the host country. Althoughgovernment expenditure is a key factor, it cannot always meet the financial needs of the host country.Foreign direct investment (FDI) is an important complementary source of finance for a developingeconomy. In China, the use of FDI in tourism is just beginning, and it is a very complex process, whichinvolves a variety of stakeholders.This article describes the relationship between FDI and the sustainable development of the tourismindustry. Detailed analyses were carried out with three perspectives in mind: (1) From the perspectiveof economic development - sustained growth of investment can bring a host country important directeconomic effects such as income growth, higher employment and foreign exchange levels, while somebenefits may also be gained from the transfer of technology and management practices; (2) From theperspective of social culture - the sustainable development of investment is not just an economicactivity, but also has strong cultural attributes, and can also contribute to regional image promotion; and(3) From the perspective of the environment - sustainable investment can have positive effects on theenvironment, such as enhancing environmental standards.There are many factors that might affect the absorption of foreign direct investment in Chinesetourism. The number of tourist arrivals can affect investment in the hotel industry. Sustainableinvestment needs a long gestation period, the a stable policy environment is necessary. The ability ofthe investment management department in the host country also plays an important role in negotiatingwith investors, and in the effective development and implementation of sustainable investment rules.However, any increase of tourist arrivals due to investment in touris