The flexibility of manufacturing enterprise has ities have distinct influence and contribution for diverse great significance for its servilization; different category flexibil- servilization. Therefore, based on the analysis of manufacturing enterprise flexibility and servilization category, eight hypotheses are brought forward in this paper, and according to ques- tionnaire design and data collection and treatment, the conclusions are obtained, which are as follows., manufacturing en- terprise producing & relationship and flowing flexibilities have significant positive influence on the servilization based on the product; producing & relationship and structure flexibilities have significant positive influence on the servilization based on function; producing and flowing flexibilities have significant positive influence on the servilization based on busi- ness flow; structure and flowing flexibilities have significant positive influence on the servilization based on idea genera- tion. In a whole, manufacturing enterprises with different types of servilization should adopt diverse flexibility adjustments in order to accelerate servilization process effectively. The research of this paper can offer theoretical support and decision references for manufacturing enterprise servilization.