2008年5月在重庆市酉阳县采集到7号体尾背部具有“Y”形斑纹的蝌蚪,对其形态特征和口部结构予以描述,经与峨眉髭蟾Vibrissaphora boringii和崇安髭蟾瑶山亚种V.liui yaoshanensis蝌蚪比较,确定其为峨眉髭蟾,为重庆市新纪录。现作为应用蝌蚪进行无尾两栖动物分类鉴定和多样性调查实例予以报道。
Tadpoles with a colored "Y" at the base of the tail from Youyang County, Chongqing Municipality, South China were described in detail with morphometric data. Based on the comparison of this tadpole with the tadpoles of Vibrissaphora boringii and V. liui yaoshanensis, it confirmed the tadpoles were Vibrissaphora boringii, which was a new record in Chongqing Municipality. It was reported as a ease of using tadpoles in anuran identification and biodiversity research.