The most common place of distant metastasis of Small cell lung cancer is the brain and bone. Traditional Chinese Medicine holds that disease would progress when Yuan Qi is weak and the Evil Qi is strong. Kidney governs bone marrow and the brain is the sea of marrow. Weakness of Kidney Qi would lead to the weakness of bone,and then the distant metastasis would happen in the brain and the bone. Kidney is the foundation of the prenatal life and Spleen is the foundation of the postnatal life,so strengthening Spleen and Kidney can tonify the healthy Yuan Qi and strengthen the bone and marrow. Therefore,the treatment of the SCLC should focus on strengthening the Spleen and Kidney,At the same time,detoxificating in anticancer and regulating the functions of other Zang and Fu should be conducted to prevent and treat for the small cell lung cancer metastasis.