The future development and potential tourism demands of theme parks affects their product restructuring. Using the large folk theme park, Kaifeng Millennium City Park, as a case study we use a visitor perception survey to evaluate the importance and satisfaction of tourism projects. This study divides tourism products offered by Kaifeng Millennium City Park into three categories. Paired sample t tests revealed differences between the importance and satisfaction of the 14 pairs of projects. These projects mainly refer to scenic economic benefits, the image of the theme park and tourist experiences. However, problems with some tourism projects, reflected by the static landscape show class and the dynamic activities show class, service facilities and infrastructure were found to reduce tourist satisfaction and expectation. The tourism projects requiring optimization can be divided into four categories: actively enhancing, control-optimized, appropriately developing, and focusing on promotion. Optimization of cultural theme park tourism projects should concentrate on project topic positioning, project development and innovation, building industrial chain and branding, and the creation of 1oroiect exoerience values.