利用第一手的大学生村官问卷调查资料,基于Ordered Logistic模型对陕西省282名大学生村官的工作满意度及留任意愿进行了相关分析和回归分析。结果表明:当前大学生村官的工作满意度与留任意愿普遍较低;留任意愿与大学生最初选择从事村官工作的动机紧密相关;大学生村官的性别、年龄、从事村官年限、婚育状况、学历等人口学特征对工作满意度及留任意愿影响显著;社会各界对大学生村官的重视与认可对工作满意度与留任意愿有显著影响;提高大学生村官的收入水平、实行连续三年考核优秀,直接晋升事业编制的政策以及增加晋升为国家公务员等政治机会能够显著提高大学生村官的工作满意度并增强留任意愿,而其它因素对于提高大学生村官的工作满意度与留任意愿的效果并不明显。
Based on Ordered Logistic Model,this paper uses survey data in Shaanxi province to analyze the job satisfaction of 282college-graduates serving as village leaders and their intent to stay in their posts.The results of correlation and regression analysis show that:Both the degree of their job satisfaction and intent to stay are in a low level;their intent to stay is closely related to the initial job motivation;their job satisfaction and intent to stay are significantly influenced by their gender,age,years engaged in this job,marital status,education background and other demographic characteristics;attention and recognition from the society also have significant impact on their job satisfaction and intent to stay;raising their income level,increasing political career opportunities such as being recruited as civil servants of government can significantly improve their job satisfaction and intent to stay;while other factors are not obvious.