The ethnic regions of Western Chi- na are rich in ecological and cultural tourism re- sources. At the same time, the regions are also ec- ologically vulnerable areas with large populations of ethnic groups who have lived for a long time in poverty. Based on years' inyestigation, it is obvious that tourism development, even though it can promote local economic development, has had a significant negative impact on the ecology, envi- ronment and local communities. During the 18th and 17'h National Congresses of the Communist Pary of China, a policy was announced to improve ecological compensation and accelerate the estab- lishment of an ecological compensation mecha- nism. So far, both government and academia have mainly focused on the effects and necessities of building a mechanism for ecological compensation. Of special concern, even if governments at all lev- els sequentially enacted a series of policie with cer- tain characteristics of ecological compensation, the public is still questioning imacy of the charges of compensation. Thus, the the impartiality and legit- such policy of ecological task of implementing the ecological compensation policy faces many obsta- cles. At present, the core research issue on eco- logical compensation is no longer just the question of why it should be charged. This question was al- ready clearly stated in official documents from cen- tral government. Up to now, the core issues that need clarification are: in practice, how the charge be made; what amount of money should becharged; how will the revenue from the charge be used; how will the revenue derived from the charge be audited; and whether or not this charge can help to achieve government objectives in such a way.