目的:通过文献分析,提取幽门螺杆菌(Hp)相关性慢性胃炎的证候要素,探讨其中医证候分布特点。方法:检索CBM、CNKI、万方、VIP数据库(截至2011年9月),收集Hp相关性慢性胃炎的中医证型文献,进行证候要素分析、提取。结果:纳入文献36篇,报告Hp阳性病例7 331例,报道证候类型19种,以肝胃不和和脾胃湿热为主;证候要素14个,主要病位证素为胃、肝、脾,病性证素中实证证素以热、湿为主,虚证证素以气虚、阴虚多见。结论:Hp相关性慢性胃炎证候类型以肝胃不和和脾胃湿热为主,主要病位在胃、肝、脾,病性以实证为主。
Objective: To extract syndrome elements and investigate distribution characteristics of TCM syndrome of Hp related chronic gastritis through literature study. Methods: An extensive search including CBM, CNKI, Wanfang and VIP was performed up to September 2011 for literatures about Hp related chronic gastritis of TCM, to summarize syndrome types, then to extract syndrome elements of it. Results: 36 documents were included in this review, 7 331 cases were reported and 19 syndrome types were related to Hp related chronic gastritis, most common syndrome types were incoordination between liver and stomach and damp-heat of spleen and stomach;14 syndrome elements were extracted, the main location elements were stomach, liver and spleen; heat and dampness were the main excess elements; for deficiency elements, the frequency of qi and yin deficiency was higher. Results: The main syndrome types of Hp related chronic gastritis are incoordination between liver and stomach and damp- heat of spleen and stomach. Stomach, liver and spleen are the main locations of the diseases, excess syndromes are the most cominon.