高校教职工的队伍建设在高等学校管理工作中渐渐的受到重视,建立和完善教师绩效考核体系是一项重要的措施。本论文针对高校绩效考核的现状以及评价指标体系,采用B/S模式,选择Dreamweaver CS5.5作为客户端开发工具,Microsoft Office Access作为后台数据库,开发并设计了教师绩效考核管理系统,该考核系统从功能上可分为教工查询程序和考核管理程序。通过本系统将会有助于优化高校绩效考核的业务流程,提高工作效率,改善服务质量。
The faculty team construction is gradually attached importance in universities. It is urgent to establish and improve the teacher performance appraisal system. In this paper, in view of the status quo of performance assessment and evaluation index system in universities, a performance assessment system has been developed in B/S mode by selecting Dream weaver CS5.5 as the client development tool and Microsoft Office Access as the background database. The system consists of the staff query procedure and assessment management procedure, which will be helpful to optimize the assessment process, enhance the efficiency and improve the service quality.