本研究采用功能磁共振成像(functional magnetic resonance imaging,fMRI)技术,以参数性数字2-back作为目标任务,探讨内侧颞叶癫痫(medial temporal lobe epilepsy,mTLE)患者工作记忆功能的受损情况。对15例临床诊断为伴有左侧海马硬化的mTLE患者和21例正常志愿者,采集其执行工作记忆任务时的fMRI数据,并进行患者组与正常对照组的比较。结果发现,与正常对照相比,mTLE患者激活降低的脑区有背外侧前额皮层、丘脑、双侧顶叶、基底节和海马结构等,激活增加的脑区主要包括楔前叶、双扣带回等部分脑默认网络区域。结果提示,mTLE患者与工作记忆相关的脑功能区域很可能存在不同程度的受损,揭示了mTLE患者与记忆相关的认知功能改变的病理生理机制。
This study mainly explores the presence of impairment of working memory in left medial temporal lobe epilepsy(mTLE) using functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI) through 2-back task.The data of 15 mTLE patients with left hippocampal sclerosis and 21 healthy controls were acquired with BOLD-fMRI.And mTLE patients presented negative activation in the DLPFC,thalamus,bilateral frontal lobe,basal ganglia and hippocampus compared to healthy controls.Regions of positive activation contained partial regions of DMN,such as precuneus and posterior cingulated cortex.This results reflect impairment of advanced cognitive abilities to some extent,and probably suggest the physiopathologic mechanism of mTLE relevant to working memory.