In order to study the damage mechanism of integrated circuits {ICs) caused by complicated pulses, and to find out the dependencies between impulses characteristics and damage effects, both the electrostatic discharge {ESD) pulses and rectangular pulses have been injected into the ICs. Consequently, five representative ICs were chosen as the test samples, and their failure parameters such as current, power and energy were presented. The relationship between the waveform characteristics and failure parameters was extracted in the way of curve fitting. Meanwhile, the fitted mathematic function with high accuracy was also got, which was useful to the further studies on the damage mechanism of ICs. The experimental results show that failure of the samples is mainly caused by energy, because the overheating of PN junction caused by injected pulses makes the ICs damaged permanently. The energy values of pulses damaging test samples are almost constant with varued pulse widths or amplitudes, and the normalized deviation is about 10%~20%. As a result, the energy of impulse can be chosen as the failure criterion to evaluate this kind of integrated circuits. It is also reported that the damage threshold of ICs caused by ESD is lower than the value caused by rectangular pulses. Though the injected pulse is different, the essential damage rule is similar.