When an insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) is abruptly turned off or turned on, trapped energy in the circuit stray inductance is dissipated in the switching device, causing a voltage overshoot across the switching device. In order to quantitative analyze this voltage overshoot, the circuit stray inductance extraction is necessary. Against the traditional inaccurate extraction method, which chooses the maximum voltage point and an approximated current slope as the calculation parameters, this paper proposed a new extraction method, in which the turn-on and turn-off non-linear transient processes are divided into several piece-wise linear intervals, moreover, the forward and reverse recovery effects of the anti-parallel diode are also taken into account, so the accurate voltage overshoot ALice and the corresponding current slope di/dt are obtained accurately, and the accurate extraction period of turn-on and turn-off are obtained respectively. The proposed method is verified experimentally using a single-phase inverter prototype with 75 kVA capability. The stray inductance extracted from the turn-on and turn-off periods under different load conditions are consistency which proved the method's validity and accuracy.