基于建立的尾涡消散模型、运动模型、遭遇模型,以Delphi 7.0为平台,采用面向对象的设计思想,开发了动态尾涡间隔计算工具,包括前机诱导尾涡流场计算、后机遭遇响应过程分析、安全间隔计算等功能模块。根据输入的飞机参数、气象数据、机场数据,实现对尾涡间隔的实时、高效计算。基于开发的计算工具,以B777-200和B737-800为前后机进行了验证计算。
Based on the constructed wake vortex decaying model, movement model and encountering model, the con- cept of object- oriented (OO) is applied to develop the Dynamic Calculating tool for the Spacing of Wake Vortex. The tool includes the calculating module of flow field induced by leading aircraft, the encountering and reacting module for the following aircraft, and the module for calculating the spacing of wake vortex. The real- time and efficient calculation of wake vortex spacing can be implemented by using the aircraft parameters, meteorological data, and aerodrome data. And also, the spacing for the pair of B777 -200 and B737 -800 is calculated by this tool for trialing purpose .