A new face recognition method, which is based on fusion of local gabor phase characteristic and global intrinsicfaces is de- veloped in this paper. There are three steps in our proposed method. Firstly, According to the good spatial position and orientation of gabor filter, a gabor filter is applied to filter face images. Local gabor phase characteristics are extracted and fisher linear discriminant analysis is used to project these charactersitics of each spatial position and orientation into low dimensional space. Local classifying scores are developed by fusion of scores in all the spatial and orientations. Secondly, Intrinsic Discriminant Analysis ( IDA ) which tries to best classify different face images by maximizing the individuality difference, while minimizing the intrapersonal difference is applied to get the global classifying scores. Finally, the local scores and global scores are fused to get the classifying result. Experi- mental results on three dataset show that our method can have good recognition performance.