目的 找出微量注射泵垂直移动后注出率改变最小的安全垂直移动高度,作为临床泵体垂直移动安全措施的理论依据.方法 使用Micorinfusion Pump WZ-50C、WZ-50C2、BRAUN Perfusor compact 3台微量注射泵在10 ml/min的运转速率下,分别用电子天平测定在平面未移动时以及分别垂直移动15,25,35,50 cm高度后1 min的注出量并进行比较. 结果 垂直移动注射泵各不同高度间的流量比较有显著差异 垂直移动15,25,35,50 cm与未移动时的1 min的平均注出流量的差值分别为0.004,0.017,0.033,0.046 ml,差值最小的是垂直移动15 cm高度 流出量剖面图显示水平面与垂直移动15 cm高度的流出量线条呈稍有抬高而接近水平线状态,而后此高度流出量的点成为了一个拐点,线条随着垂直移动高度的增大变得越来越陡直,显示注出量比较的改变随着移动高度的增加而急剧增加.结论 垂直移动15 cm高度注出量的变化最小,成为不同高度的增加使流出量急剧增加的拐点,此垂直移动高度是安全的移动高度.
Objective To find the safe vertical displacement for minimal infusion rate change of syringe pumps as the theoretical guidance for moving pumps. Methods The infusion volume within 1 minute after none and vertically moving 15, 25, 35, 50 cm of the pumps (microinfusion pump WZ-50C、WZ-50C2、BRAUN perfusor compact) at 10 ml/min were weighted and compared by the electronic balance. Results Significant differences of the infusion rate were detected. The difference of average infusion volume within 1 minute after vertically moving 15, 25, 35, 50 cm and non-movement were 0.004 (minimal),0.017, 0.033, 0.046ml. The lowest infusion curve of 15cm displacement stretches slightly above the horizontal plane until the inflexion in the section graph, leading to steeper in accordance with the increasing vertical displacement of the pumps,which implied the following drastic increase in infusion rate. Conclusions The minimal infusion change is obtained at 15cm, thus becomes the safe displacement height and the inflexion point of further soaring changes.