The metal silicon of Yunnan Province accounts for a major percentage in domestic sili- con market, and that in Dehong Prefecture contributes greatly to the development of silicon in- dustry in Yunnan. Taking the industrial silicon in Dehong Prefecture as an example with the help of Deng Julong's grey industrial analysis model, this paper analyzes the local industrial outputs from 2007 to 2011, the relation of the four local pillar industries of sugar, industrial silicon, ce- ment, and aluminum in the past two years, and the correlation between the overall energy con- sumption in sugar, industrial silicon and cement and that of all industries. It concludes that the industrial silicon product in Dehong and its overall industrial output, and the energy consumption of silicon industry and the total industrial energy consumption, are closely related to each other. On such a basis, it proceeds,'to suggest that we should strengthen the development of local indus- trial silicon, and change the mode of development to adhere to the way of sustainable develop- ment.