通过对提取方法、提取时间、D101树脂柱体积、洗涤洗脱条件的选择,改进了HPLC-ELSD法测定黄芪及其复方中黄芪甲苷含量的供试品溶液制备过程,并且建立了新的供试品溶液制备方法:先索氏提取4 h,然后通过D101(直径1.5 cm、柱高12 cm)树脂柱,经碱、稀醇溶液洗涤,乙醇洗脱,蒸干,甲醇溶解成供试品溶液.结果表明本方法操作简便,重现性好,能有效测定黄芪及其复方中黄芪甲苷的含量.
The preparation method of stocking solution for astragaloside determination from Radix Astragali and its compound by HPLC-ELSD was improved from extracted method,extracted time,volume of D101 resin and choice of washing-doffing condition. A simple and reproducible method for determination astragaloside by HPLC-ELSD was established. The optimum preparation step condition was as follows: after extracted for 4 h by methanol and Soxhlet apparatus,through D101 resinic pole,then washed by base and ethanol (30%),doffed by ethanol, distilled and dried, dissolved by methanol and formed stocking solution.