The possibility of removal of heavy metals from waste water by adsorption flotation using Mycobacterlum phlei as adsorbent was investigated, and the collection mechanism of collectors on adsorbent was analyzed. From the single flotation tests, it shows that cationic collectors have a stronger collecting ability for Mycobacterium phlei than anionic collectors. The adsorptive flotation experiment shows that floatability process occurred within 10 minutes, the recovery of Mycobacterium phlei and the removing rate of Pb^2+ are high by using cationic collectors during pH value from 4 to 7. At 45mmol/L of Di-buty lamine as collector, and 4.75 of pH, the recovery of Mycobacterium phlei and the removing rate of Pb^2+ are 92 % and 98 % The isoelectric point of Mycobacterium phlei is 3.09 at pH of the solution, which increased when Pb^2+ or Di-buty lamine is adsorption by M:ycobacteriurn phlei, The good floatability of Mycobacterlum phlei with cationic collectors results from the intense zeta potential on the surface of cell, Adsorptive flotation may have practical applications for the removal of hazardous metals from contaminated water supplies.