Fothe characteristicof fasvarying telemetry data, rapid rate, real-time, and high reliability, em- bedded hardware compression scheme iadopted, and systematidatcompression device and tesuniare estab- lished. Hardware platform with FPGand DSP architecture system ibuild, and modulaideaare raised. In ordeto realize datacquisition, losslescompression and readback are presented. To optimize the performance of the spatial and temporal propertieof losslesdatcompression aprecondition, the method to seleckind of appro- priate compression algorithm idiscussed, and lineapredictive coding scheme before compression iproposed. To improve the reliability of the telemetry system astarting point, datpackedesign and adding buffeaftecompression are presented. Iiconcluded afteanalysiof the datdecompressed and separated thathe datcom- pression uniicapable fofoustandard signal sourceto compresin real time, with high spatial and temporal qualities.