In order to solve the problem that the current infrared optical sensor can detect only a single gas. A three-gas optical sensor is presented for simultaneously detecting three gases based on the principle of infrared absorption spectrum. The new novel gas cell structure comprises two crossed elliptical surfaces with a folded reflection-type optical path is proposed. A new cylinder gas cell structure has been designed which solved the key problem about high degree of convergence and integration technology is achieved in the miniature gas cell structure. The sensor contains four single-channel detectors (one to acquire the reference signal and the others for the response signal) and an infrared light source. Through the rational distribution of the gas chamber, one sensor achieved multi-gas detection. Gas concentration calculation method adopting the ratio of the response channel output signal to the reference channel output signal removed the disturbance influence from the outside environment. The test results show that the largest measurement error of the sensor is only ± 0. 05 % when gas concentration in the lower range.