Let {X,Xn,n≥1} be non-degenerate i.i.d.random variables,define a U-statistics U_n=2/(n(n-1))∑≤j≤j≤nh(Xi,Xj),where h(x,y) is a 2-dimensional Borel measurable and symmetric kernel function.Under the condition of E|h(X1,X2)|^4/3 or E|h(X1,X2)|^4/3+δ),0〈δ≤1 separately,for a very extensive weighted functionφ(x) and a boundary function b(x),we discuss the precise asymptotics of Un as follows: limε→αR(ε)∑n≥noφ(n)P(|Un|≥εn-1/2b(n))=1where a is an appropriate non-negative number.It not only makes the known results on this subject as the special case of our results,but also reduces their moment conditions.