Based on the current interpretation study results about the Tsinghua Bamboo Slips and the literature handed down for generations,the second word dong(■) on the thirteenth bamboo slip of Tsinghua Bamboo Slips zhengwufurenguiruzi( 郑武夫人规孺子) should be interpreted as dong( 董),and the word shang( 上) refers to wufuren( 武夫人),"jiuzhiyushangsanyue( 久之于上三月) "should be interpreted as "jiuzhisanyueyushang( 久之三月于上) ",which means more than three months late according to the will of wufuren( 武夫人) in laying the Monarch to rest. What is more,the word zai(■) on the ninth bamboo slip of Tsinghua Bamboo Slips yingaozongwenyusanshou( 殷高宗问于三寿) should be interpreted as zai( 在),and we put forward our point of view on the punctuation and comprehension of the sentence "wositian,fengjihuihuozhi,wumianziyiweiyijing,fuzaishi( 我思天,风既回或止,吾勉自抑畏以敬,夫在始) ",the gist of this sentence is that we should show the caution,reverence and respect to the Heaven from the beginning.