Graphene presents many wonderful mechanics, electric and structure characteristics that can be used to fabricate semiconductor electronic devices and integrated circuit chips with super speed and low power. Three kinds of preparation methods for the graphite/Si transistor are briefly introduced, i.e. the stripped method, epitaxial method and graphene-on-demand by cut- and-choose transfer-printing (DCT). Among the methods above the epitaxial method is believed to be the only way to achieve the integrated circuits of grapheme. Then the electric properties of the graphite/Si transistors prepared by above methods are viewed, such as the resistance, magresistance, carrier mobility and transport property, and quantum Hall effect. It is found that the highest frequency of graphene/Si transistor is 155 GHz, and at room temperature it is with exceptional quantum Hall effect and fractional quantum Hall effect. Besides that, the charge carrier concentration changes continuously between electrons and holes, and can be as high as 10^13 cm^-2 and the migration rate can be up to 2×10^5cm^2/(V·s).