The Islamic centrism (wasatiyya) is a new theoretical construction for the Islamic revivalism in a different historical condition, represented by the Egyptian noted thinkers as Dr. al - Qaradawi. In theory, it is shown by the various Islamic social and political thoughts, such as Islamic Constitutionalism, post -Is- lamism, New Islamism or Neo Islamism. In practice, the establishment of the "wasat" in 1996, the Muslim Brotherhood' s proposal of "reform propose" and its "e- lection manifesto" for the parliamentary election in 2005, reflected the Islamic Centrism' s guidance and practice to the current Egyptian Islamic politic. As one of the most important thoughts of the current Islamic world, the Islamic centrism is not only the Islamic adjustment itself and reflection under the background of globalization challenges, but also the innovation and exploration of the possible Islamic governance model in the future.