The theorem of the relative differences evolution, which is based on the theorem of variable sets and mathematical laws of basic laws of dialectics, is introduced in this paper. It also introduced the pat- tern recognition matrix and evaluation principle and method for water resource systems with the former sup- portive effects. An evolution on the coordination in four planning level years for the sustainable use of wa- ter resources in Dongguan city, Guangdong Province is taken as an example and demonstrates some compar- isons and analysis between variable sets and set pair analysis are demonstrated. Then it points the prob- lems of set pair analysis. From the comparison and analysis, it shows that the evaluation principle and method for water resource systems that based on the variable theory have more advantages. With much rigor- ous theory and clear concepts, the calculation is much more simple and convenient. The method this arti- cle introduced can be extended to many academic fields including: environmental engineering, hydraulic and hydro-power engineering, civil and architectural engineering, management engineering, etc. It has a very broad application prospect.