提出了一种基于Ajax的门户框架设计方案.详细分析了该方案设计的门户框架的体系结构和组成模块以及模块之间的关系,并利用Spring MVC和一种Ajax库Rico实现了该方案.工程实践表明,采用该方案设计的门户框架系统,层次结构清晰,代码复用率高,并能有效地提高门户系统的运行效率及改善用户的交互体验.
This article proposed one kind based on the Ajax portal framework design proposal. The architecture and composition modules of portal framework based Ajax was analyzed. A portal framework based Ajax was realized using Spring MVC and one kind of Ajax library which was named Rico. The practice shows that the framework has the characteristics of dear structure, convenient to maintain and high ability to reuse, and enhance the portal system's the operating efficiency and improve user's interactive experience.