Rational stopping schedules are of practical significance in formulating high-speed railway operation plans. Conventional stopping schedules are usually fixed through repeated manual adjustments and this is due to the influence of various technique and policy factors. In this paper,the high-speed railway stopping schedule op- timization model was put forward, which was based on node services. Referring to the features of the model,the uncertain and not easy to be quantified factors were turned to be described as node services, to minimize the to- tal number of stopping was set as the target of the model and the node service frequency, inter-station service accessibility and number of one-train stopping were made the main constraints of the model. The model was a non-linear planning model with the cross-product constraint. The model was solved by combining stopping probability with computer simulation. Through model sensitivity analysis, it was found that the number of onetrain stopping is the key issue to influence the feasibility of stopping schedules. The model was applied on a high speed railway line in China for case studyThe model is proved to possess good usability.