Thomas Hobbes tries to design some fundamental political institutions to justify the legitimacy of sovereignty and the legality of individual rights, and to regulate the relationship between sovereign power and citizen right. He takes Leviathan as that power, a ugly image from Bible and a terrible memory for western peoples, which brings in a dilemma, that only people give up some of their individual rights and interests, they may keep their own lives, liberties and private proportions safely. Sovereign is necessary and is the only legitimate power to use forces. But every person wants to be free, he does not want to be regulated by some power or force, so sovereign is not welcome. For Hobbes, his first motive to design such a Leviathan as-absolutesovereign is to avoid civil war. And the absolute sovereign becomes the only way to protect his people. Individual lives, security and peace could not be apart from a blessing with that power. This doctrine leads to a turn from sovereign virtue to institutional justice. Even though, the sovereign is still a spring for people's happiness and a reliable guarantee of human rights.