在哈尔滨对白菜上的大猿叶虫Colaphellus bowringi Baly的生活史和生物学习性进行观察研究。结果表明,大猿叶虫在哈尔滨地区绝大多数个体1年发生1代,少部分个体1年发生2代。主要以成虫入土在2~27cm土层中滞育越冬。越冬成虫翌年4月下旬开始出土活动。第1代发生在5上旬至7月上旬,第2代发生于6月中旬至7月中旬。所有成虫在7月下旬以后均滞育越冬。在25℃条件下,雌虫产卵期为6~55d,平均为30.95d,单雌平均产卵量为454.9粒。在25℃各虫态的发育历期为:卵(4.46±0.33)d,幼虫(8.22±0.26)d,蛹(4.17±0.22)d。各虫态发育起点温度卵为10.80℃,幼虫为10.95℃,蛹为9.79℃;有效积温卵为64.82日.度,幼虫为117.37日.度,蛹为64.36日.度。
The life history and biological characteristics of the population of leaf beetles,Colaphellus bowringi Baly,on the host plant Brassica pekinensis in Harbin were reported.The results showed that most individuals occurred 1 generation per year,but a few individuals had 2 generations per year.The beetles hibernated as adult in the soil.The diapaused adults burrowed in soil to depths of 2~27 cm.The adults began to appear from the soil in the late April.The first generation occurred from early May to early July.About 11(±1.49)% of the first generation adults reproduced and the others entered diapause.The second generation occurred from mid-June to mid-July.All adults beetles entered in soil to hibernate at the end of July.The oviposition period of the overwintered generation was 6~55 d with the average of 30.95 d.The female could produce 454.9 eggs on average.At 25℃,developmental duration was(4.46±0.33)d in the egg stage,(8.22±0.26)d in the larval stage,and(4.17±0.22)d in the pupal stage.Developmental threshold temperature was 10.80℃ for eggs,10.95℃ for larvae and 9.79℃ for pupae.The effective accumulative temperature was 64.82 day-degrees for eggs,117.31 day-degrees for larvae,and 64.36 day-degrees for pupae.