针对冷链中温控成本与利润之间存在的矛盾,提出契约组合来协调优化。在报童模型的基础上,考虑温控成本,建立两级供应链模型.采用回购一销售激励惩罚(buyback with sales-rebate-punish B&sRP)契约组合进行协调。研究得出,在契约组合的协调下,分散决策的供应链能达到集中决策下的效果。其次,供应商和分销商的利润仅受设定的销售目标值的影响。接着,通过纳什均衡的讨价还价模型的倒推原理.证明了存在有效的销售目标值,使得双方的利润都增加,最后利用阿伦尼乌斯(Arrhenius)公式计算证明,在契约组合下,分销商愿意投入更高的温控成本,实施更低的温度。
To study the problem of conflict between the temperature controlled cost and the profit, a combined contract named buyback with sale rebate and punish (B&SR.P) was proposed. The combined contract is based on Newsvendor modei m the condition of supplier-distributer channel and taking the temperature controlled cost into account. The results show that under the combined contract, the members in decen- tralized supply chain can behave as well as the integrated one. Besides, both supplier's and distributer's profit is affected by the sales target. Then using the bargaining model, the paper proves that there exist effective sale target values that can make both parties' profit increase. And by Arrhenius equation, the paper finds that distributer is willing to lower the temperature, have products in better condition.