为解决具有功率因数校正(PFC)功能的发光二极管(LED) AC/DC驱动电源存在的工频闪烁问题,提出了一种Flyback-Buck LED驱动电源.它由一个双输出绕组反激(Flyback) PFC变换器和一个Buck变换器构成,Flyback PFC变换器的辅助绕组作为Buck变换器的输入,Buck变换器的输出与Flyback PFC变换器的输出串联.通过Buck变换器有效补偿二次工频纹波,消除了LED频闪.Flyback-Buck大部分功率只经Flyback PFC单级变换,与两级变换拓扑相比,该拓扑具有较高的效率.最后,通过一台0.7 A/50 W的实验样机,验证了理论分析的正确性.
In the field of light emitting diode (LED) applications, a kind of Flyback-Buck power supply is proposed in order to solve the power frequency flicker problem in AC/DC power supply with power factor correction(PFC).It consists of a Buck converter and a Flyback PFC converter with dual output windings. Auxiliary winding of the Flyback is connected with the input of the Buck structure, while Flyback PFC output in series of the Buck output constitutes the total output.By adjusting the output of Buck converter,a zero second-order line frequency output voltage ripple is reached, thus eliminates the flicker problem of LED.Due to the main power of Flyback-Buck converter deals with one time by single Flyback PFC converter, the new LED driver without flicker can achieve a much higher efficiency than cascade topology converters.Finally, a 0.7 A/50 W prototype is made to verify the theory in the laboratory.