生态语言学(ecolinguistics)又称语言生态学(ecology of language),是由生态科学和语言学相结合而形成的一门新兴学科。大岭壮语属于壮语南部方言,大新白话属于汉语粤方言,二者共存于一个语言生态环境中。从生态语言学视角探讨大岭壮语的生存和变异,并对其原因进行分析。
Ecolinguistics, also called ecology of language, is a new discipline combined by eco-science and linguistics. The Daling Zhuang dialect, one southern dialect of the Zhuang language, and the Daxin Cantonese, one dialect of the Han Cantonese, coexist in one ecological language environment. The paper probes into the existence and variation of the Daling Zhuang dialect and their causes in the perspective of ecolinguistics.