In view of the problem "Migrant Workers Shortage"emerging in China in recent years, the paper proposes that direct causes leading to the problem is wages issue through theory analy- sis. An causal loop diagram and a system flow chart about the problem is established from the per- spective of wages by utilizing system dynamics modeling method based on theoretical analysis and study on factors of wage determination, the relation between wages level and the number of migrant workers. The model is run to simulate the labor market by applying historical data from some sta- tistical yearbooks. The result indicates that direct cause of the problem "Migrant Workers Short- age" is their wages deviate from labor market prices seriously. Labor price in market is determined by both of macro and micro factors systematically while the "Migrant Workers Shortage" is the con- sequence of no practice complying with market rule. It will be effective to improve their job sta- bleness and increase their human capital as well to solve the problem on current condition. Never- theless, the former is more helpful for corporate to increase migrant workers with fewer human cost. To solve the problem, it is essential to systematically think both macro and micro factors to fill existing differences from the three aspects of corporate, government and migrant workers.