Due to difficulties of source localization of rub-impact acoustic emission influenced by at- tenuation and strong noise in propagation process, the least mean square adaptive time delay estimate (LMSTDE) algorithm is introduced. The traditional algorithm is improved, and an improved LM- STDE algorithm which estimates the attenuation coefficient and time delay simultaneously and itera- tively is proposed. The improved algorithm adds an attenuation coefficient estimator which estimates the time delay and attenuation coefficient simultaneously and iteratively according to the error be- tween estimated value and reference value. In order to accelerate the convergence speed, variable step size processing is used in the improved LMSTDE algorithm. When the error between the esti- mated value and the reference value is relatively large, the gradient of the error is used to adjust the step size; when the error is relatively small, the error signal is weighted by the forgetting factor to adjust the step size. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the improved LMSTDE algorithm can converge to the true value. Compared with traditional LMSTDE algorithm, the im- proved algorithm has better oerformance when the SNR is low and faster convergence speed.