网络实验室的构建为解决实验室资源紧缺和共享实验室资源提供了一个重要途径,它是多媒体技术、网络技术和虚拟仪器技术的结合。基于NI ELVIS和NI LabVIEW的多传感器数据采集系统网络化实验教学平台,配有相应的信号调理电路和外围接口电路,组成了各种信号采集模块。利用ELVIS在仪器、控制领域的功能,结合LabVIEW程序设计,将处理后的数据,通过LabVIEW服务器端软件本身的Web Server功能发布到网上,为使用者提供了一个网络化的教学平台。
Network laboratory,combining multimedia technology,network technology with virtual instrument technique,provides an important way to solve the problem of laboratory resources shortage and laboratory resources sharing.The network experimental teaching platform of multi-sensor data acquisition system based on NI ELVIS and LabVIEW contains various signal acquisition modules,each of which has corresponding signal conditioning circuit and peripheral interface circuit.Taking advantage of the functions of the ELVIS in instrument and control,the data,after processing,can be sent to the website through Web Server in the LabVIEW software to provide users with a network experimental teaching platform.