整理核查中国的厕蝇科Fanniidae标本中,发现四种系中国首次记录,分别为:宽厕蝇Fannia.ampla Nishida,1974;折叶厕蝇Fannia.limbata(Tiensau,1938);似明厕蝇Fannia.peneserena Nishida,1972;挪威厕蝇Fannia.norvegica Ringdahl,1934。给出了这4个种的原始出处、引证情况、国外分布情况,对其形态特征进行了描述,并绘制尾器图以供鉴别。
To sort and check the Fannia in China, four species was confirmed as new records in China which have not been reported so far. They are Fannia. amplaNishida, 1974; Fannia. limbata(Tiensau, 1938) ; Fannia. peneserena Nishida, 1972 ; Fannla. norveglca Ringdahl, 1934, The paper not only gave the original provenance, citation status and foreign distribution of these species, but also described the morphological characters and distinguishing.