This paper builds dynamic copula model to characterize the dynamic dependency structure between real estate industry and financial industry based on their daily index yield data from 2000 to 2012. The results show that SJC copula, compared with other copula, can better depict the dependency between the two industries. We find that dependency between real estate and financial industry lacks continuity. The dependency shows asymmetry changes as the return changes. With the rises in return, the correlation coefficient of both condition lower tail and upper tail decreases, but the decline in the upper tail dependence coefficient is greater than the other. This shows that the dependency change depends significantly on the return of the past and there is a reverse relationship. The higher the volatility of the return of the past, the closer the relationship between the two industries is, and vice versa. There are some structural break points among these time-varying linkages between the real estate and financial sectors. The date of the occurrence of these structural mutations either is often accompanied by the introduction of major policy, or means the turning point of stock market trend.