The major shareholders with different control right styles have double-sided governance effects. Some major shareholders get private benefits of control and damage firm value, which has the tunneling effect. However, some major shareholders infuse firm with resources to promote the growth of value, which has the supporting effect. The double-sided effects will transform with the change of major shareholder' s configuration feature. The study is different from previous researches to some extent. The paper selects 9109 sample data from 2007 to 2011 when China' s capital market was in stable institutional environment, designs effective variables to control the firm heterogeneity, and studies the supporting effect and tunneling effect from the perspective of major shareholders' control right configuration. It finds that the nation- al major shareholders have the obvious features of tunneling firm while the legal major shareholders show two different effects, which depend on the control degree : with the rise of control degree, it will change from supporting mechanism to tunneling mechanism and show inverted U-shaped features.