研究了油酸钠、硬脂酸钠和现场混合药剂FH三种捕收剂单独及混合作用于钛铁矿纯矿物、人工混合矿的浮选行为。探究了混合捕收剂对六安钛铁尾矿浮选行为的影响。结果表明:油酸钠与硬脂酸钠混合以及油酸钠与FH混合后浮选效果增强,产生正协同作用,药剂的最佳混合比例分别为7∶3和5∶5。当钛铁矿矿浆浓度为40%,FH/油酸钠混合药剂用量为750 g/t,硫酸用量为1 250 g/t时,钛铁矿回收率和品位分别为67.14%和32.60%,相比单独使用两种捕收剂,回收率分别提高了16.89%和8.97%,品位分别提高了11.95%和6.02%。
The flotation behaviors of pure ilmenite mineral and artificial mixed mineral were studied with the presence of single or mixed collectors including sodium oleate, sodium stearate and a mixed collector ( FH) . The effect of mixed collectors on the flotation behavior of the ilmenite tailings was investigated. The results showed that, using a mixture of sodium stearate and sodium oleate, or a mixture of FH and sodium oleate, the flotation efficiency was improved, testifying a positive synergistic effect generated between these collectors, and two kinds of mixed reagents are optimally in the ratio of 7∶3 and 5∶5, respectively. Testing with a pulp density of 40%, dosage of FH-sodium oleate mixture and sulfuric acid at 750 g/t and 1 250 g/t, respectively, resulted in an ilmenite with grade of 32. 60% at a recovery of 67-14%, achieving an increase of 16.89% and 8.97% respectively in recovery, and an increase of 11.95% and 6.02%respectively in grade compared with a separate addition of FH and sodium oleate.