The author conducted dispersion experiments for Jiahe and Kailuan coal respectively, using sodium hexametaphosphate, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) as dispersants. The dispersion effect was verified by viscosity of CWS, and the result of coal flotation after decentralization verified by the flotation experiment. The result~ showed that: both the dispersants had increased viscosities of the dispersions, reaching the purpose of dispersing sludge flocculate. After beins dispersed by sodium hexametaphosphate, both Jiahe and Kailuan clean coal ashes, recoveries were improved within a certain range, but had no regularity; because of the repulsion be- tween CMC and the collector, the clean coal was difficult to float out, though it had better dispersion. So it could not be used as slime - flocculate dispersants of flotation.