读者决策采购(PDA)是图书馆资源采购模式的一次技术与制度创新,其既改变了采购的主体,也改变了资源采购流程中的信息流与物流方向。从交易费用理论的视角去分析PDA,发现PDA相较于传统的馆员采购模式是一种能够节省购书经费、有效提升资源利用率的制度安排。 PDA在高校图书馆的应用关键在于从读者个性化需求出发,将理念转化为实际工作的运行制度。
Readers Purchasing Decisions (PDA) is a systematic and technique innovation of library resources purchasing, which changes the decision makers as well the flow direction of information and goods. Analyzed in perspective of transaction costs, PDA can save fund and increase the utilization of resources. The key of the application of PDA in u-niversity libraries lies in the transformation of idea to operation procedures.