In order to monitor and maintain fiber composite blades, acoustic emission techniques were employed to monitor fatigue crack in blades, and the feature of different cracks was extracted. Given the limit of Heisenberg-Gabor inequality, the wavelet scalogram has poor frequency, time concentration and strong interference. The method of optimization reassigned wavelet scalograms of AE signals was put forward. Basis function bandwidth of reassigned wavelet scalogram was calculated based on Shannon entropy. The most suitable basis function for AE signals of propagation cracks and initiation cracks was attained. Therefore, the optimization reassigned wavelet scalogram of two types of crack AE signal has high amplitude energy distribution in time-scale plane. Experimental research proves that the proposed method has excellent time-frequency concentration and noise restraining ability, and extract time-frequency fault feature of wind turbine blade AE signals distinctly. Moreover, this method can be applied for identification cracks and monitor the degraded condition in complex environment of wind turbine blades.