When mining closed frequent itemsets over data streams,the available algorithms are often made inefficient due to the fact that they often ignore mode decaying as time passes,and adopt a structure to mark the types of closed frequent itemsets.A method was proposed for mining the closed frequent patterns in the time window of data streams.The pattern of data streams could be completely recorded by scanning the streams only once.And the pruning method of NEWT-moment could reduce the space complexity of sliding window tree and the maintenance cost of the closed frequent patterns tree.To differentiate the historical and the latest patterns,a time decaying model was applied.Additionally,NEWT-tree stores the closed frequent itemsets directly,so they can be read quickly.In contrast with T-moment,and NEWT-moment does not need to delete the historical data,or mark transaction and nodes,which can decrease the time complexity and the space complexity.The experimental results show that the algorithm has good efficiency and accuracy.