In technological innovation diffusion process, the role of intermediary agencies is an issue of great concern. Based on the analysis of revenue of all parties, the game among technological innovation suppliers, intermediary agen- cies and potential adopters is discussed in this article. By typical Rubinstein tri - stages bargaining game model this arti- cle firstly investigates the bargaining game between technological innovation suppliers and potential adopters without in- termediary agencies, then detailedly investigates the bargaining game between intermediary agencies and potential adopt- ers while intermediary agencies representing technological innovation suppliers and the game between technological inno- vation suppliers and intermediary agencies while intermediary agencies representing potential adopters. The necessity of the existence of intermediary institutions is studied through the comparative analysis of the revenue of technological inno- vation suppliers and potential adopters with and without intermediary agencies. The significance of technology innovation information impacts on the revenue of technological innovation suppliers, intermediary agencies and potential adopters is proved.